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Welcome To The Members Area!

Thank you for coming to the book members site! And more importantly, thank you for grabbing a copy of the Get The Guy book!

I’m really excited that you’re here, and that you’re embarking on this journey with me. I know that you picked up this book with a specific goal in mind; maybe you want to find the dream guy, get married, and have kids, or maybe you just want to meet someone special. You may want to expand your social circle, get back out there, and start having fun.

Whatever your goal, I’ve created this book to be something that can help.

This members area is designed to be somewhere that you can come to supplement what you read and learn about in the book. Some people learn best by reading, while a lot of people learn through seeing demonstrations and by listening.

I’m one of these people myself, I learn best by watching someone, and so in an attempt to cater to as many people as possible with this book, I wanted to provide you with a few different options.

Throughout the book you’re going to see ‘video alert’ links that direct you to pages that I have set up on this site. Many of these videos have been taken from my online training programmes where I speak on stage in front of a live audience, giving them everything they need to know.

There’s content here that I haven’t been able to fit into the book. If a picture is worth a thousand words then I’d be rambling on for an awfully long time if I tried to explain all of these concepts in print!

As you go through this process, I really want you to enjoy the learning experience. I know that if you’ve come straight here from the book, you’ve come straight from a section where I talk about the idea that we can either Wait or Create.

I want to get you started and underway in adopting the Creator mindset right away, as the quicker we get implement something, the more successful we’re likely to be at it. This is something to keep in mind as we go through the book.

The quicker you implement anything you learn, the more effective your results are going to be, and the easier you will find it to maintain something a habit or ritual.

If you leave it for a while, the content becomes less fresh in your brain and you begin to lose momentum.

I want you to start creating today, and so I challenge you to start creating by finding something in the first few pages of the book that you can apply immediately to begin your journey.

If nothing comes to mind that you’ve read so far, pick the book back up, keep going, and find something that you can use.

It can be something that takes as little as thirty seconds, but make a commitment to start Creating.

If you’re someone who learns through immersion, then check out my online training programme to shortcut your results…

Feel free to go ahead and try it out if you want to get underway. As we go through the book you’re going to have the chance to preview snippets from it too, so if you want to keep reading on right now, that’s absolutely fine.

Enjoy the book, have a great time with these additional videos as you go through, and I’m honoured to have you on this journey with me. I can’t wait to hear of your results!