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1 Simple Mindset For A Great Social Life

It’s late Friday evening, your friends are calling to invite you out, but you can’t muster the energy to go…

The couch and blanket look all too enticing, and the idea of getting ready and going out to socialise overwhelms you.

If this is a pattern you regularly find yourself trapped in, today I have something to help.

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62 Replies to “1 Simple Mindset For A Great Social Life”

  • I just dont feel like going out anymore . Belive it or not , but here in Estonia there really are NOT any free normal men left..

  • If I have to do a complete 180 in order to get a guy, then I’d rather stay single. I can’t force myself to go out and pretend to enjoy it. Even if I did, I probably wouldn’t connect with, find or keep a guy the first 10 times I go out. So I would have to go out multiple times, and I just can’t do that. It’s fucking torture for me.

  • When I was moving to Japan for a year, I was fine until I was on the plane. Then I started to freak out and have a panic attack, but I was stuck on the plane and the windows were sealed. Then when I got off the plane on the other side of the earth, where I couldn’t speak the language or read the signs or buy food, it turned out I was totally fine. It’s a good moment to remember whenever I start to freak out about something.

    Also, if there were an award for Most Perfectly Curated Eyebrows, Matthew Hussey would win it, hands down. They really are magnificent.

  • I was going out a lot and made great new friends by joining a salsa class. Sadly finance dictates that I cannot do 99 % of what I want to right now. Coupled with a recent break up I have been feeling quite low. Most of the friends I see come round for coffee so I am not meeting new people. I am, however, following your advice in many parts of my life so hope things will improve.

  • “Go hard or go home. Back to your residence.”


    Do not quote the Biebs. One of two people I instantly dislike, not quite knowing why.

    Good line though. I’ll use it next time I ask a guy out. “You can always go home.” LOL

  • Thank you Matthew! I am guilty of this, saying ‘no’ to activity invites, not wanting to go out, because it takes so much effort to get dressed, put make up on, travel out (I don’t own a car) to an outing that I’m not crazy about. Because I’m having relationship difficulties now, I told myself that I needed to go out more, be more active, do more things, so I told myself that I should say ‘Yes’ to things that my friends invite me to; not everytime, just most of the time. I’ve only been 70% successful, so this advice of ‘I can always go home’ is very helpful. Thank you.

  • Awesome advice…”You can always go HOME…” So true…If it is a terrible time…you can always go home… ;)

  • What if you can’t afford to go out because of past relationships that have left you financially in debt ? I would love to be more socialable but don’t have money

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