5 Unspoken Ways Men Show Love

couple holding hands

It’s often the case that a woman will come to our seminars and say: “I just don’t know how this guy feels about me”.

Now, this could mean that she’s dealing with a guy who really doesn’t care about her at all, who is putting in less-than-acceptable effort into the relationship, and whom she should simply walk away from.

However, it can also be a sign of the fact that guys just aren’t great at always saying how they feel. It’s well-known that how men show love can be totally different to how women give affection, so it pays to understand people’s different styles of communication in this area.

Next time you’re dating a guy and it’s getting serious, look for these 5 signs of how men show love:

1. He does things you didn’t ask for

Buying small gifts sent straight to your house? Or booking that restaurant you said you’re dying to try?

If he’s taking things into his own hands, it means he wants to delight and surprise you. This is a guy’s way of trying to make you see he truly knows you and that he LISTENS to what you say (and it means he wants to spend more time with you, also a good thing).

2. He tries to make life easier for you

couple cooking together

Similarly, a guy has truly crossed the threshold from “like” to “love” when he’s taking pains to make sure you can go about your day as easily as possible.

Does he sort out your cleaning for you? Tidy up and make the place look great when you’re gone? Help you move house and pay for the delivery van?

Any gesture he does, big or small, to try to help you get through the day is a sign he’s going above and beyond what he would do for anyone else. Men live to impress you, so the more he loves you, the more he’ll want to feel he’s succeeding at making you happy.

3. He brings you around his friends

When a man is unsure about the woman he’s dating, the philosophy is simple: keep romance and social life separate.

But when he’s decided he’s fallen for her, suddenly he can’t wait to bring her around the people he’s closest to. If a guy is regularly mixing you with his friends and family, it’s a sign that he wants everyone to know you’re together/

4. He gives you real hugs

man hugging woman

What does his hug reveal? Actually, quite a lot.

How men show love may differ depending on the guy, but many men give themselves away through their level of physical affection.

Whether he can’t stop putting his arms around you in public, or he’s constantly kissing you when he gets a private moment, it’s a good sign that his heart is crying out for you.

There’s also a change in romantic body language when a man falls in love. He may be more protective towards you, or try to help you with little tasks so that he appears like a strong man able to take charge around you, so look out for those too.

5. He takes care of himself

This might seem counter-intuitive, but when a guy is in real love, and planning a future, he may make more efforts to take care of his life (because he wants to keep you around!).

Maybe he’ll work a little harder to get that promotion, or go for a nightly run to keep himself in good shape, or he’ll take care of personal grooming to look his best for you.

True, he may also get more relaxed around you, but if he’s still crazy about winning you over, he’ll also start to up his game in small ways to make you take notice.

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4 Replies to “5 Unspoken Ways Men Show Love”

  • Of the 5 unspoken ways men show love my ex-husband only did one, number 3. I suspect that was ego driven as I am physically more attractive than he is, Not being conceited, I married him so, clearly, I loved him as he was Should the expectation be that they show all 5 or more, or less?

  • My ex husband nd I go on holidays together. Do basically everything together….but I lack in communication nd I know that’s da one thing he needs. .I know that our marriage broke up cause I didn’t communicate about how I feel…but for some or other reason his personality overwhelms me in such a manner it makes me feel inferior…I will send him a whole lot of messages but face to face I freeze..what’s wrong WTH me

  • Hi Matthew, i love your work and like all women out there i also have a question i would love for you to answer. I am a young female and a while ago i met a guy a bit older than me, he is independent and alone, we hooked up,chemistry was flowing and had a lovely time together before we had an even better time in bed. He started texting me the day after and hasn’t stopped since for 4 months now, he sends me a simple text every morning like ‘have a good one’ with a kissy face and always calls me babe or angel and i can notice him opening up although he is mostly cold in the conversations. I have followed most of your dating advice and regardless of what i do he still texts me the same way. I have concluded that he doesn’t want to use me for sex and he doesn’t intend on having a serious relationship either he’s just going at a slow steady pace and keeping me interested and hooking up every 2-4weeks I have been trying to get him to take me out on an actual date but even that has failed countless times. We are also very compatible and balance each other but he remains alone? He has shown me that he cares about me and values my worth so i thought it might just be the age gap. Do older men fall in love differently? If so how can i spark further interest with my hot bachelor? Please help?

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