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The Future of Dating? (A Date In 2025)

My good friend and highly talented director Ryan Turner has made an incredible, multi-award-nominated short film that shows how you could be dating by 2025.

I hope you love it as much as I do…

►►  What do you LOVE or HATE about dating today? Leave a comment below…

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272 Replies to “The Future of Dating? (A Date In 2025)”

  • Loved the film. Can see that future too. We have so many ways to communicate today but people are more alone than ever.

  • I love this video!
    It is great!
    And the scaryest part- it actually could be like this in 2025!
    I like the jokes ;)

    Today I hate about dating – the fact that some people create a whole different person of there self online.
    I like being honest. So I try it that way online.
    I even have pics where you can see I have to much curves.
    And there are still guys (pretty and nice by the way) who wants to meet me.

    I had one date… he seems to be nice and had very attraktiv pics online. A lot of muscles. And I thought ok don’t expect to much. Maybe the pics are older. He is nice, just try it.

    I met him! The pics – maybe he looked like that 6 years ago. He was big. He looked like a hole different person.

    The truth is, yes I wouldn’t thought that he is that attractive if he had “real“ pics. But lying… bad move.

    The first sentence he said was…- Oh wow! You really looked like your pics.
    I answered a little confused – a yes, isn’t that normal?
    He laughed and said No!

    It is so sad today!!

    What I love about dating? :)
    When someone in reality says hi, I like you, I like how you look, you are cute, I like your style.
    Just wanted to say that. Have a nice day.

    Why I love that? Because it feels much more honest in a time of online dating.

    It feels like you need to be brav to go to a stranger and say hi.

    I hope we wont loose ourself in the future like the guys in the video.

    Great work!

  • Dating 2025 looks like it’s a great movie!! I would go to see it.It really makes you think about the future alone.Over 50 is difficult to open up then to be disappointed by the other person.Its scary!!!!
    Well executed!! Go for it!!!!

  • I loved this Short film about how Love in the future will be. It’s so beautiful.
    I can even hardly get a date now days, I’ll be lucky if I even get asked on a date, But it’s been seriously hard for me these past couple of months with dating and all in general. Honestly what’s wrong with ME ??? Or why? I sometimes find myself questioning what I did wrong,or Wondering if I’m pretty enough etc……. But hey I’m still single mom, and when ever LOVE is ready for me then I’ll BE HERE…

  • The fact that a guy always invites you to his house after telling u, you are not giving me face and instead of a date ,they invite you to their house.

  • What I don’t like about dating is the lies. People always tries to make themselves soind more interresting. The truth is always sexier than lies, it never comes back to bite you in the ass.
    I’m a single mom of three kids( two teenagers and a 9 year old) went on dates 3 times since the last 51/2 years. Guys just wanted sex, but never implied or mentionned it. That pisses me off. Im not a hooker. I’m in love with my bestfriend, but can’t tell him, i can’t loose him. We tried the friends with benefits thing a year and a half ago and he didnt talk to me for two months after. That killed me. I have cut my losses amd stick woth the safe, bestfriend part, even if I would prefer to be in his arms, and that he probably thinks the same way too. 2018 is hard. 2025 movie was amazing. Thanks for sharing

  • With online dating I’ve already encountered so many men who are too scared to meet in the real world and are obviously doing the online thing because they’re too scared of the reality! You waste time chatting online and then they’re too scared to actually make a date. Nowadays I suggest talking on the phone very soon and if they won’t exchange numbers and do that – next please!!

  • Very good video…on point with the direction that dating and relationships are headed, due to technology. It’s so sad that people are becoming more and more increasingly disconnected by the day.

  • Almost nothing is old school anymore because of all the technology. So I really hate the way dating is today so unrealistic.

  • 1. *Clapping Hands* Thank You for sharing.

    2. I am so glad I saw this. It personally ties in with a question that was posed to myself and a group of friend this past Friday.
    The question: Are you afraid to walk up to people and start talking to them?
    My answer: I don’t mind talking to people in general. I would only talk to “new/unfamiliar” men in a social environment, when I feel attractive. I don’t feel confident when I don’t feel attractive.

    The film is interesting and the idea that AI can run your existence makes me uncomfortable, however I can see it being a way of living in future.

    I think people are scared of the unknown and it is very easy to deflect our own insecurities such as being worried about going on a date with a person you really like. It’s my biggest fear.

    Have a great week!

  • Excellent video. I agree that this behavior could be the wave If the future. I am concerned that technology will replace personal touch and interaction.

  • Dating today is hard. I truly hope it won’t look that way in 2025 or I’m def. suicidal. It’s already hard getting motivated to meet ppl and I leave the house every day.

  • This is amazing. I feel like sharing it with a thousand people I know. I teach and I may show it to my students. Thank you, Ryan Turner, for devoting time to this important question. My favorite moment is when he meets up with her and her skin is glowing and you can feel her humanness kind of glowing and vibrating under that skin and you realize that nothing is more magical than two people being with each other and really seeing each other.

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