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Had a False Start to 2019? This Will Get You Back On Track…

If you’ve had a shaky start to the year, and you’re already feeling intimidated about getting off track, it’s not too late.

Stop the self-flagellation and get on the path to making this your proudest, most accomplished year ever. Watch this now…

Make Today the First Day of Your Best Year Yet… Learn How → MatthewHusseyRetreat.com

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27 Replies to “Had a False Start to 2019? This Will Get You Back On Track…”

  • Happy New Year take two…
    I applied for a new job, went for the interview today. Sat in front of a panel, I did not expect it!!
    My apartment has been spring cleaned.
    I need to start jogging..I have a race on 25 March..not sure if it will be a 5km fun run or 10km.

  • Hey Matthew!! Loving all your tips and tricks and psychology stuff but I’ve got one quick question: as a married woman undergoing a divorce, are there any thing I should modify when applying those tips and tricks? Do men’s mind work differently when getting initiatives from a married/divorced women?


  • it reminds me of how you prune a vine tree or a tree.. You need to cut away all the things that are not producing good fruit, you get rid of it you (cut away everything that’s not working) and start fresh.. When you start moving in a different direction a lot of stuff starts changing like friendship’s, jobs, moving, could go on and on. but it’s reshaping you and teaching you for something else.. I’m defiantly in my pruning stage right now.. Feels like Kayos things falling apart, not sure what my next step will be, but it helps to know that in the spring time I’ll be producing better fruit.. Thanks for your message I like your pillows :)

  • I really needed this.
    Thank you.
    Thank you for continually having positive messages.
    I had surgery on the 4th.
    I’m ready to start working out, however I need to heal.

  • Thank you for this video. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants! I needed it! And all you said in that raw beginning is so true & spot on. Enough about trying to find the right guy to make us happier and to make our life better and thinking that it will…it’s about keeping our self perspective in a healthy place and learning how to manage and live life better regardless of having a guy. Being in a relationship has its own challenges. Please have more of these videos to help us with life coaching as well as with get-the-guy coaching.

  • I wasn’t loving this video: I felt I am progressing with my goals which is a continuation from 2018, so maybe that’s why it didn’t hit a spot for me. I can see the intention from you, Matt, here, but it didn’t give me the motivation, I kinda thought ‘well, I can take a break’ which is not what it was meant to do.

  • You hit the nail on the head Matt.
    Thank you for this post. I totally had a January of clearing out the “clutter” to refocus on the important stuff. My health and my relationship with my daughter by removing toxic relationships more effectively than I had in 2018.
    Love you tons Mart. You’re a kick ass human being.
    Ps. This is a result of the confidence I’ve grown in myself from the retreat i attended in May 2018. It changed my life.

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