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A Day in the Life of a Hussey

There’s a quote I’ve become obsessed with recently…

“Don’t compare your behind the scenes to somebody else’s highlight reel.”

I recorded this fun video to show you my ‘behind the scenes’… (Be sure to watch right to the end or you’ll leave just thinking I’m an ass!)

While I’ve shot this in a fun way, there is a big takeaway I want to leave you with:

Life can be monotonous.

Most people’s lives aren’t that interesting hour by hour, minute by minute.

However Facebook and other social media outlets have created a place for people to share only the most exciting parts of their lives.

This can lead us to thinking that our life pales in comparison to what others are doing (leaving us feel terrible).

There’s a quote that sums this up beautifully that I’ve become obsessed with…

“Don’t compare your behind the scenes to somebody else’s highlight reel.”

Looking at everyone else’s highlight reel through the lens of social media is demoralising and depressing.

The truth is, most people’s lives day-to-day are incredibly monotonous, and when you’re on a mission and trying to achieve something, it often requires you do the same things every day.

I don’t want us to become demoralised, and so I shot the video above to bring you back to reality and show how exciting my life really is.

We have to realise that social media is a facade, and that when we can stop comparing our lives to the highlight reels of others, we’ll be able to get more out of our own lives and enjoy our own day to day much more.

Once we see through this veneer, we have the ability to really focus on our own exciting adventure.

Question of the day:

– What’s the most boring thing you do every day to keep things improving? Let me know in the comments below!


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234 Replies to “A Day in the Life of a Hussey”

  • Matty..Maddy Hussey……
    You are a crazy man! but an adorable man though…
    Extra pepper on your blog, extra fun, extra u!
    When i get an email from i smile and i get excited like an idiot You are the desert of the week! :pp
    keep on the great work!


  • The most boring thing I do every day is to get out of bed in the morning. Right now it is actually a hard thing to do, but I’ve been telling myself that it is the start of one more day to do something great. Today’s great was saying nice things to my students in a particular class.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Thanks so much for that perspective Matt. The humour was welcomed also. You are dead on and I love the qoute.

  • Hi Matt!

    Most boring thing I have to do to keep things improving is assignments. It’s very time consuming and dull but I do it and I get great grades! So it seems like my life is dull but I got a scholarship for my student exchange to Spain because of my dedication.

    PS: You should be an actor. Not even kidding.

  • Wow, Matthew. A wonderful end to my day from that video. I wanted to watch it hours ago but I was out celebrating.

    But wow, I really appreciated it. Gave me another nice chuckle for the night.

    You see, (and here comes the shameless plug) my boring day is spent working on my website, which is a new site for foodies and food bloggers. It only got exciting today because my traffic jumped from a measly 250 hits on Saturday to 2300 on Sunday and around 2000 a day every day this week. That was my highlight. But many days I am very frustrated, since I am working on the site by myself with only a couple of friends helping me blog. The site is nowhere where I want it to be after two years.

    (Actually, “I” tagged you yesterday on Twitter. But I didn’t see a reply ;-).)

    On another note, one of my favorite spiritual teachers here in Israel says that we should pray for boring days. Boring days are healthy. When drama comes, it’s more often negative, so the boring days should be those we cherish most.


    PS. And if you’re posting you’re coffee on instagram, just please add my tag to it.

  • MATT!! I have been following you for the last year or so. You have absolutely changed my perspective on relationships, self-worth and men for the better. I have learnt so much and am in a fantastic relationship. You are charismatic, down to earth and a pleasure to follow. It seems strange to have such a personal relationship with someone I have never met or spoken to but thank you for your guidance and support. I feel I am a better version of myself on a daily basis. I hope you have every success you wish for, you deserve it!! It has been a pleasure getting to know you, too. am constantly checking to see if you ever mention anything about coming to Australia. Lots of love, J x

  • I LOVE your videos. You always make me smile and laugh. Plus, I cannot resist your beautiful face and sexy accent.

  • There were more moments in this video that made me crack up compared to the entire newest season of Arrest Development. So hilarious! Thank you, Matthew!

  • Ha, too funny. I think I am the last person on earth who is not on facebook.
    The most boring thing that I do on a daily basis is time management. I try to block the work day off task by task so my workload doesn’t get out of control.

  • Just stopping by to say this video was hilarious! And you’re definitely right. As Theodore Roosevelt once said “Comparison is the thief of joy”. So thanks for pointing that out to me once again!

    I’ve been following you for over a year now and even was lucky enough to see you in Philly. You’re absolutely brilliant and your advice is unbelievably valuable.

    Thanks for changing my life, Matthew!

  • Thank you for making this video ! It defiantly smacked some sense into me. Keep on doing what you are you doing! You are truly amazing and helping me in all areas in my life!!

  • Thank you for sharing this video! It’s so refreshing to see your genuine passion for what you do. I strive to find my dream of waking up excited to go to work. Great quote that I need to remind myself every time I see a “friend” on Facebook getting engaged, married or having a baby. I can admit I will think myself “I am going to be the last one from my high school graduating class” every time I see it. It would be interesting if every individual did a video of a day of their life. Not only would we accept not everyone’s life is a 24 hour highlight reel, but we could look back and realize we have a lot more “highlights”, even if its just the little moments, than we are even aware of. Definitely don’t let our American society influence your English charm. It’s captivating.

  • What is one BORING thing I do to keep me improving? Besides reading your blog! Consist of reading get the guy….. lol but seriously i have no clue my days are sometimes completely deja vu….. but i am trying to finding things that i will enjoy doing that will break the zombie life i live in from 9-6! oh and I’m reading “how to win friends and influential people” great!

    YOURE really awesome Matt! seriously i have no clue how i ran into your youtube videos and discovered you but im so glad i did!!! everything you say and advice is a huge eye opener its like WOW it makes so much sense and im not alone lol.

    the video was hilarious…. Hope you can tour the US again and make a stop in Houston this time.

  • Basically everything is boring. Routine sample screening, read journals, have discussion with colleagues on our projects… Exercise for 20 minutes…OK, I see your point. Achievement = time + consistent effort. THANKS MATT!

  • Matthew,
    I almost peed my pants!
    but behind the funnies it is so true. Lets unglue our faces from FB and actually get out and DO!
    Sometimes working out can be monotonous but its for a good cause!

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