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One Quick Tip That Will Save All Your Relationships

In this week’s video, I’ve got a quick life tip for you that may seem small but it actually has the power to save your career, your friendships and all your relationships…

Together, we’re going to fix this bad habit that you and I both do every day. Try it out, and then shoot me an email and let me know how it works out for you. (You’ll see why this is an ironic request when you watch the video…)

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47 Replies to “One Quick Tip That Will Save All Your Relationships”

  • This video is so great! I mean had the same experience because I care deeply and so I will want make I respond correctly. And it will be like hurting my heart the longer I take. And sometimes, I feel like the person doesn’t want a big response so that blocks me as well. I am an accountant and a big part of the job is getting information, especially as an auditor. I can’t tell you how almost cruel it is when people don’t respond or at the last minute. Oftentimes, something is wrong or they answered the wrong question. The time wasted documenting what you need and who you asked makes no sense. And accountants are never backed so it’s very painful. And what you are saying about just giving some kind of courteous response, would be tantamount to respect and I think that once that is not there… I see it in my friends too. I live in NYC and they think it’s because they are busy, but the flip side when they don’t respond is very hurtful. I have accepted it for so long. I am not sure how to fix it. Anyhow, now I am writing all this!! Thank you so much for your videos and kindness,

  • Hey guys

    Thought to shoot a quick note in adjunct to this procrasfination topic of email replies, our tendancies, so forth. This “thing” we ALL encounter is our little internal bad voice we All carry around daily. You are right, it Does affect all areas of life, it began in childhood to serve a functional purpose in our lives. It’s there to what It thinks is to guard and protect us from some perceived harm, or even perceived need we think we have. Almost like a separate personality we all carry around inside. Bear with me, cuz there’s a solution to diminish it exponentially.

    First we must speak to it, like a persona and acknowledge its existence. Acknowlege to It that you are aware of its function, thank it for the help its attempting to provide. Now, you need to confront it by saying something like “I know you are trying to love and protect me and I thank you, but I am in control now, hold yourself with your arms, and say to It, that what you decide to do it will be okay.” When you do this numerous times daily as It crops up, believe me, it does lessen immensely. It DOES!!!

  • Please give your mom a huge hug for mother’s day from me. I met her on your last live tour in NYC and she was amazing! So caring and smart. I gave her a note for you, I hope she remembered.

  • Oh crap!!! My response was for YOU & it WENT INTO THE RESPONSE AREA!!!! HELP ME!!! HOW EMBARRASSED AM I!!!! CAN YOU RETRIEVE IT, PLEASE…HURRY!!!! Linda xx

  • This is actually very important point. I used to feel upset when someone I care about doesn’t reply to my emails quickly. But not anymore. It’s better to give people the benefit of the doubt :)

    Thank you Matt. I’m looking forward to your next video.

  • OMG that sounds like me all the time!!!!!! And I’m breaking this habit right this minute! It’s 3:16 in the morning and I’ve just viewed Your video so I’m replying asap!!!!! breaking the procrastination routine right now!!! Thanks for expressing this verbally. Love Saima

  • Matthew that’s really great it just changed my mind set to things. I wanna ask a question please help me. I am 17 and there’s this guy and tried using “the Franklin effect” on him. I think it worked though I know that your programs aren’t for women or girls my age. And after I don’t know how to follow up on that move. That because I don’t want to come on to strong to scare him off and I don’t want to not follow up on it because he’s this great guy he’s smart, funny, and knows what he wants in life. And sometimes I feel like I can’t compare to him,but I know I can because I don’t see many 17 year old girls writing there first book which if I actually get it published, I make sure to send you a copy. Your tips have already helped a lot of times but in his case I wanna actually give this a chance. And I can’t do that if I move too fast with him. Don’t get the wrong idea am a virgin and I want to keep it that way till am married. He very smart and observant and I just want some help on how to talk to him but no throw to much at him. Can you please help me ? -Kaci

  • Wow, Matthew! You describe my situation exactly at work! Thank you for showing me I’m not alone! :)
    I’ve processing that on my mind for some time now but it is always good to hear from someone on the outside!
    Big kisses!

  • Thanks, Matthew… it is so hard nowadays with the flood of emails people get. But Yes, I would agree that it is better to send a quick, short reply than waiting for so long after the fact. I am looking forward to learning more from you and hopefully meeting you in Dallas this weekend at your live event! :)

  • I just wanted to say, keep doing what your doing. I think your blogs are brilliant. And for the record, this is the first time ever I have taken the time to give feedback, as my time is sparse. As an evolved woman in my 40’s, now divorced, I find your insights very helpful. If you ever come to speak in Boston, I would attend.
    So Thanks Matthew.

  • Thank-you for discussing, and touching base on elements associated with Communication Apprehension, Uncertainty Reduction, and Uncertainty Management. Thanks for placing the theoretical into a context more applied and tangible.


  • Ok, so it’s been over 24 hours since I first saw this blog and sent Matthew an e-mail and guess what….I didn’t get a reply !!! Normally I would be a bit pissed about that.

    However, I forgive because Matthew is a star anyway, I love his work, his style of coaching and how he encourages me to do positive things with my life.

    I could send a million messages with no response and I would still follow him because the advice he gives is priceless, much more valuable than a reply to an e-mail.

    Angela x

  • As a time management strategist I totally agree. I say “batch” your emails and respond. Batching allows you to see what is important and urgent to you. Key word here is YOU. Managing an inbox takes time,skill and know how. Don’t let it control you. You get to control it.

  • Hey Matthew ; you little hottie
    Just wanted to grab a minute while I’m in the moment and thank you , for the tip as I have a group on Facebook with to many members to respond to .
    Feel awful as I do at times forget to respond until I see a name keep cropping up . My banks to your yet AGAIN spot on advice .
    You’ve made my life And time a whole lot easier ,and not to mention less guilty at that.
    Keep on doing what you do And don’t ever stop being you
    Best wishes
    Carrie x

  • Thanks Matt! Such good advice! I do the exact same thing, glad to know others go through the same thing. : )

  • Hi Matt, so true, I do this too & as of today will amend my ways.
    Thanks for all your blogs, tips & videos, they’re great. Keep them coming xx Dawn

  • Yes please can you help me i really wanted to pay for HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK. But Matt i don’t have PayPal account or any credit cards Please help! can i send tru Western union like that? Please i am waiting for your reply. Thanks in advance! Hope my request will granted.

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