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🚩Stop Ignoring His Red Flags and Get the Respect You Deserve

Falling in “like” with someone can happen in a flash.

And while liking someone is an electric feeling that signals the potential for something exciting… it can also trick us into looking past bad behaviors that we wouldn’t normally tolerate…

In the video below, I explain WHY we sometimes let red flags slide and the simple mindset shift that will help protect your heart while you’re looking for your ultimate partner.

What’s Your #1 Non-Negotiable in a Relationship?
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You know one of the reasons I think we get hurt more than we need to is because the way we come to like people tends to be somewhat binary. We go, “I’m not interested, I’m not interested, I’m not interested.” And then the point where some flash of lightning happens in our mind, maybe it’s because we think they look particularly beautiful or handsome. Maybe it’s because of something they’ve done or something that has been revealed to us about this person. We all of a sudden decide, “Now I like this person.” And so we go from that zero to a one like that and now we stick on the one.

The danger of this is that it creates a kind of static image of a person. So we now, in our minds say, “This person’s right for me. I really like this person. I want to be with this person.” And we’re no longer qualifying that based on what’s actually happening. We’ve decided in our mind. So now what we’re trying to do is make reality fit to the vision that we have in our mind.

I’m interested in looking at all of the little moments, the scenarios that happen between you and another person, that become signposts for whether this person is actually right for you. If you think about it, you have all of these requirements long term. Even if you don’t acknowledge them in the short-term infatuation stage, there are all these requirements that you have for the person that you would want to be with for the rest of your life. Whether it’s the way that they would treat your family, whether it’s the way they deal with stress, whether it’s how they deal with arguments. What I want us to begin doing is to make our vision for the kind of person we want to be with the more static part of the equation. That doesn’t mean it never changes or we don’t update our vision, but for the purposes of this mental exercise, let’s say that’s the static part, or it’s much more healthy and beneficial for that to be the static part. And the fluid part is the behavior we witness in somebody else.

If you do that, then when someone doesn’t communicate well with you, when someone decides for a week to just go off the radar and not text you or not call you, when someone treats you badly or just starts ignoring you, ghosting you, you don’t then tell yourself, “Oh, the love of my life is ghosting me.” You start to say, “Oh, they’re ghosting me. So I don’t think they’re the love of my life.”

But if, in those binary terms, you’ve decided, “This is my person. This is the person I want to be with,” then the fluid part becomes your vision, becomes your boundaries, becomes what you will and won’t accept, what behaviors you’ll justify. And that’s a very dangerous thing because I’ve made you the certain part and the uncertain part is how I should be treated or what kind of relationship I have. So now the compromise becomes all of my needs, not you. I want to flip that so that your needs become the most important part, they become the static part. The person is the thing that can be compromised if that person can’t live up to it.

See, I believe that real confidence and certainty is self-awareness of knowing what your deepest needs are in a relationship. And I’m not talking about all the superficial shit. You know, the stuff that we wanted as a teenager, that as we grow up, we learn, “Oh, that stuff’s not really that important.” I’m talking about the bedrock of the kind of relationship that you want to have. And then having the certainty to go out into the world and find that and not settle for less than that. But most people don’t have that level of confidence or certainty.

Insecurity, uncertainty is being unwilling to change the person and instead just making your vision mold the person you have. And that’s how you end up in a scenario where you go, “My God, I never would have imagined in my life that I would have tolerated this kind of behavior. I never would have imagined that I would accept this from someone. And here I am going through this hellish relationship, enduring all of this suffering, all of this bad treatment in order to stay with this person.” That’s because you made the person the static part and the vision the malleable aspect of your love life.

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54 Replies to “🚩Stop Ignoring His Red Flags and Get the Respect You Deserve”

  • But my problem is that im in love with the wrong person. Somebody who is interested in me but i dont love or like them. Please help

  • I see the red flags and the time I jump in anyway is when they meet the intellectual list of attributes – not all are superficial. When clearly they lack the deeper values my brain says, Run. Easier said then done because my static is in rediscovery mode since the death of my spouse… but I did leave and I am slowly figuring out what I want. Seems I’m fairly intimidating to many men and don’t want to be – let’s start there

  • Say hi a good video! That’s exactly what I was doing! NO MORE! I had sold myself out… I was down to none of my needs being met and keeping the person which is the exact opposite of what I should’ve been doing. Thank you for bringing this type of situation till late because it is so important. My non-negotiable now is kindness. I refuse to be with someone who isn’t kind. I always end up with the jerky guy who is funny but treats the waiter like garbage or treats kids like garbage. No more of that! No more of explaining to a grown adult male how to be a decent human being! Thank you Matthew!

  • This is my biggest problem. I have no trouble finding a relationship, they even turn into long term relationships. I’ve had 3 long term relationships for 6 years, 10 years, and 4 years. But I always end up getting used, and left with nothing. I’m exhausted from having to pick myself back up off the ground, and start again. Once I make the call that there behaviour can no longer continue, I get hassled for months. It’s always the same story… I’m sorry, I didn’t realise what I had till it was gone, you are my everything, I’m lost without you, you were always there for me, I lied because I knew you wouldn’t forgive me twice, I will spend the rest of my life proving to you what you mean to me, blah blah blah. Why do I keep giving 110% to these BOYS, and despite being in a relationship, have to deal with everything on my own and only get 2% back. I’m so done. I need advice on how to not attract anyone.☹️

  • I’m going through this very same thing today. Timing is everything… your video popped up at the exact moment I needed to hear it. Sitting here thinking wow, I deserve better treatment than this, should I call him? Telling myself don’t you dare call because he’s revealing his true self to you in this moment. Having that internal battle between I don’t care and omg this could be the end. Going between confidence and fear. I’m going to stop right now and journal my list of what I want and what I’ve let myself tolerate over the past few months then focus on what’s not right instead of how can I make this right. Thank you for opening my eyes today.

  • Oh. My. God. Matthew, you are a genius. I have never heard it put in such a way but it is so true and well-explained. Under the influence of alcohol I have watched myself “gloss over” red flags, knowing they were red flags, but telling myself it wouldn’t matter so much. I couldn’t be more wrong. 8 months later I’m “getting over a guy I never actually dated” and cringing at how much I lowered my standards by wanting this particular ‘piece of perfection’ to love me. Oh my god, the heartache. You are so, so right. You asked us to comment on our number one non-negotiable. Mine (now:) is: Feeling understood, adored, and totally safe.

  • Thanks for posting this very pertinent blog. I went to the London event on Saturday and remember your dad saying to base commitment to a guy on how much he invests, not how much you like him. Btw bravo to him for battling through a cold and talking for five hours straight!

    I’ve been trying lots of tips to be more receptive to men and I’m not shy about approaching. Trouble is some men, especially in bars, just want to try their luck. And I’ve had some bad experiences of gropers etc so sometimes eye contact is just a bad idea.

    Anyway a non-negotiable for me is being able to take responsibility, owning your mistakes and being able to compromise. Some people can’t do that and it stops a relationship from moving forward.

  • Non negotiable is being on a curious, self inquiry, spiritual path. Willingness to be vulnerable and uncomfortable to create necessary change.

  • #1 non-negotiable requirement is now consistent, active listening and emotionally intelligent responses instead of a default to gaslighting defenses.

  • For me, my non-negotiable item is trust – theirs and mine.

    If they do not tell me the truth, if they disrespect me, if they go behind my back to find something ‘extra’ without talking to me etc…

    Trust broken is really really hard to repair, if at all.

  • I knew this and I lived by it for a long time … then someone completely got under my skin and I changed. This video turned on the light, and I will watch it everytime I feel myself slipping.
    A massive THANK YOU from an older woman who should have known better!
    I guess although I am “Good for my age” I felt lucky to”get the guy ” so I let him change me… mistaking his caring ” why didn’t you call me ” as a way of breaking me and controlling me … actually turning me into a jealous woman – which I never was, because if I felt uncertain about something I would face it .. and be prepared to leave a relationship if I was unhappy with the outcome. Your advice is age proof …

  • I have watched pretty much every single video you have posted, but this one just trigerred sth very deep in me. What you said in here was sth so meaningful to me, that I hope to never ever forget this. Thank you so so much.

  • Number 1 non negotiable is lack of intimacy, no real connection, no understanding and in turn no real relationship

  • You nailed it! Once I flipped the fluid and static part I knew what to look out for and subsequently met my now husband.

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