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Be Thankful for Bad Men

Since moving from London to the United States, it’s taken a while for me to get used to the idea of Thanksgiving.

At first it felt weird to have an extra holiday squeezed in just before Christmas.

But now I love it (watch this video to see what I’m thankful for).

And it got me wondering… could you even be grateful for the bad things in life? Say, bad dates, bad men, bad relationships?

Sound crazy?

Well, take a look at this and you’ll see what I mean…

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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

113 Replies to “Be Thankful for Bad Men”

  • I am thankful for the unemployment money that is getting me through till I get another job–hopefully one I love!! I’m thankful to have a car, roof over my head, and support from Matt and everybody else in this family. I have such a hard time with men!

    I spoke to Michael last year about the retreat–he was wonderful to speak to, and quite handsome I see now! Maybe one day I will have the money to come meet you all. Happy Thanksgiving

  • I am thankful for Matthew Hussey’s help during a difficult past year. Happy Thanksgiving to Matthew and all the staff at how to get the guy.com

  • What I am thankful for: I saw a guy for a short time. That is, we only had hook-ups when he was available. He didn’t want anyone to know he did this with me. He had to go on a trip and stopped by for another hook-up. Because I study my GTG, oI said we will sit in your vehicle and talk. I told him I don’t do “hook-ups.” I do dating. He finally said he wants something of mine to have with him while we are apart. The only thing I had was a ring, so I gave him that. He was to come by upon his return. He didn’t even call. That weekend I texted him that I wanted something of his for when we are apart. He said “No! You want a relationship! I’ll have to give your ring back.” Then he started to bargain about a basis for seeing me. I replied “Pay attention! I don’t do hook-ups.” Well I haven’t had any contact since–not even after I texted I wanted to have my ring back. But my gratitude comes from how I felt. And for the first time I understood how so many Afro-American women felt those decades ago, when they were north of the Mason-Dixon Line and were courted and kept in secret by white free-state polititions. I am so thankful for that experience of understanding and the fact that if it weren’t for GTG, standing up for my value as a woman might not have occurred to me.

  • I’m and thankful for my family and friends, my puppy and doctors and nurses and healing remedies. I’m thankful for all the wonderful people in my life. Thank you for making us look at the amazing instead of the lack.

  • Thank you so much for your preparation of the video and Jameson why are you covered in a turkey costume. Are you under the witness protection program?
    Thank you to the men who had no respect for me this year and last year and have show me that I am a valuable person. Have a great holiday!!

  • Matthew, my experience is different. Every time I was single and happy, I was attracting mass of men, that stands. But when we get into relationship and at some point down the line I show them that I am sometimes depressed and hurt, and not happy, they do not know how to handle that and usually disappoint me as people. Otherwise, they were great partners for the first, say year or two, and everything was going well. But when it comes to having to help me out and be there for me for a period of time, none of them bothered too much. I got “there there baby, its going to be fine, you can make it” – trivial empty words when you need real support.
    So I decided that meeting guys when you are happy is not really my thing. I want to meet someone when I am a bit down and a bit stressed, not my happiest and not at my best. It is easy to attract anyone when happy, but people who will like me in a different state of mind, just normal, are those that I will be looking for. They will appreciate the good times, and be there for bad times. You need someone who can do both, right?

  • i am thankful for my mom and best friend who are always there for me no matter what and to be able to laugh because jameson made me laugh so hard thanks for that : D

  • Thank You Matthew for being so amazing! I am thankful that I do know what Jaimeson looks like because I attended one of your retreats last year!

    I have so much to be thankful for, that I would be writing here for a bloody long time. I am inspired to write to you about my experience since the retreat that I attended…I am reading some amazing books on fitness…these books are so hot and inspiring…almost as sexy as you ~ buuuuut being the book junky you claim to be, you’ve probably already checked them out.
    They need to be added to your member’s post-retreat reading list! They are a must read…will provide your ladies with information to be healthy, sexy, and physically strong if that is something they are into….at least for all the sporty adventurous ladies like me! Happy Thanksgiving! Welcome to the USA!
    Heather xx

  • I am thankful that I am lying in bed sick with the flu so that I can have some time to catch up with my Matthew Hussey emails and videos…my life has been getting so busy because it’s so amazing…how did that stinkin’ virus know that I needed some MH time for learning new tactics with men? Haha! Happy Thanksgiving!

  • I am thankful for my family always being,for me and lifting me up.And you Matthew Hussey for your advice happy holidays to all.

  • Waaaahahahahahah! The turkey! The tuuuurkeeeeeeey! XD
    Er… I’m tahnkful for my men, brothers, father, exes, guys after me.
    I’m thankful for my art skills.
    And I’m thankful for hitting my 40 and still look like a 20’s

  • I am thankful for this video. I do practice gratitude, still clearly, we need reminders from time to time. Thank you for the timely reminder.
    Because of your video Mathew, I am able to say the following :
    I am grateful for both the men I loved, who treated like I was invisible went on to date someone else, as this has given me an understanding that I need to be comfortable being visible to the outside world.
    I am thankful for the proposal that was sad and bad, because it tells me the vibration I had been, and thus it is time to change that, time to raise my vibrations.
    Thank you
    Best regards
    Reena Yadav, India

  • Hi Matthew and team!

    I shared this with your dad last week and will try to make it brief:

    I am thankful for my ex and how his unhealthiness has pushed me to get healthy, find my power and voice as a woman.

    On Thursday, between working with a local mentor extraordinaire in combination with learning from you how to talk so men will listen…I changed my story so dramatically…there are not words. I left my marriage because it was “abusive” 5.5 years ago. I had to cut off all communication for a month just in order to break the abusive pattern. Then I kept communication to just emails and texts mostly for 2 years. During the 5.5 years, I have worked my tail off to get healthy, to learn about holding standards for myself, even got my NLP coaching cert to help – and tho my ex has done very little work – because I have changed so much…we are now co-parenting and having great conversations where we are actually able to hear each other.

    More than that, just since July when I found your work, I have so dramatically changed my story about men – realizing at least for me (and suspect for many women) that it is really a subconscious program that we women buy into that men are unsafe, dangerous, out to get us. My hard work has proven to me that that was my story, and thus I played it out. But when I changed that story – the story plays out differently and I can see how much the men – even my “narcissist” ex – actually really do care about me and want the best for me.

    So – to end…as I said to your dad…I am sooooooooooooooooo darn thankful for you and the team for brining this light into the world! (And really want an opportunity to work and learn more from you :-)

  • Hi Matthew,
    I’m thankful for meeting you this year. For having a better perspective in life. And for getting closer to finding the love of my life everyday!!!
    You’re the best team in the whole wide world. :)


  • I am thankful for having people in my life that support, inspire and encourage me. And I am a grateful that I’m learning and growing.

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