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The Seconds Count

One day consists of 86,400 seconds, each one containing countless options, possibilities and decisions of which only one can emerge…

When we look back on our past relationships, too often we remember the way they ended. The big fight, the difficult breakup, the painful emotions. The final chapter where we part ways often sticks in our minds. But as I sit here today, and reflect on my past relationships, I can’t help but think about the moments where they started.

I’m not talking about the moment we finally decided to call it a ‘relationship’. I’m talking about the moment I, they, or both of us, set in motion the sequence of events that led to all of those amazing experiences we had together. Even as I’m writing this I feel those moments tugging on my heart strings, making me realise just how significant the most insignificant of moments can be.

The moment I finally asked that girl at school to go to the cinema with me (albeit very timidly)…

The moment when I was 18, driving my car with the friend I’d always secretly had a crush, and I took the risk to hold her hand for the first time….

The moment in the elevator where I kissed that girl on the cheek…

The moment I met eyes with that person on he street in the middle of London, prompting me to run after her once she’d walked by…

These small moments have given me some of the greatest experiences of my life so far. And as I sit here writing about them I can’t help but recall how many more of these moments I could have created along the way but didn’t.

How many of these moments did I miss? How many of these moments have you missed in your life? Not that it’s productive to think that way, but it does serve as a reminder for just how rich everyday can be.

If we’ve missed these moments in the past, then chances are we’re still missing them today. And of course it’s much more than just the moment that we miss, it’s the whole new future that that moment would have created had we gone for it.

It’s for this reason I’ve always found time travel so fascinating. Time travel brings with it the simple idea that a single change in behaviour at any given moment can create an entirely different future…in effect, a parallel universe.

But the idea of us actually being able to invent the technology for time travel has never been necessary for me to maintain this fascination. The reason is that for me, time travel already exists, in the present. We get the chance to choose alternate realities in every moment of our lives. Anytime you make the decision to start speaking to the person standing next to you…the moment you decide to go out instead of staying in…the moment you decide to finally express your feelings to someone…the moment you decide to kiss someone on the cheek for no reason at all…these are all moments that have the ability to create a new future.

It blows my mind how much can change from one small moment. People too often forget that the changes in our destination can come from the smallest shifts in behaviour in any given moment. And right now I’m just speaking for our love lives, it’s truly mind blowing to see that this is possible for every other area of our lives too.

If you knew that speaking to the person ordering their coffee next to you would be the beginning of a life spent with your soulmate, would you do it?

Now of course it might not, but the possibility is there. And along with it the possibility of so many other things…a new friend, a lover, a chance to be part of a new circle of people…we could go on. The more relevant question is “what are the chances of any of these realities happening without you taking this moment and using it?”.

It’s hard to get what you want when no one knows you want it. Going about life like that is like walking into a restaurant and leaving it up to the waiter to bring you the thing you fancy most on the menu without telling him.

Life gives us a pretty big menu, which makes it that much more important that in our moments of decision we choose what we want; without succumbing to the fear of rejection, the fear of embarrassment, the fear of failure, or the fear of choosing the wrong thing.

And there are many moments of decision every day.

One day consists of 86,400 seconds, each one containing countless options, possibilities and decisions of which only one can emerge.

Here’s to the infinite variety life has to offer.

Matthew x

Track for the day: Track name –  Life of the Bird (Album – The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos)

Question for today: Which moments will you commit to take more advantage of? Let me know in your comments below.

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58 Replies to “The Seconds Count”

  • This post really puts it all in perspective…powerful..and thanks for reminding me about the power of NOW! Looking forward to you coming to the States:) Just scheduled a time to talk to one of your team members about your LIFESTYLE retreat:) God Bless!

  • It is so true that we make our future now, every minute counts and make the most of the moments, and every possibilities are in the moments that pass us by. I recently met this guy when I was just walking home, we started by just eye contacts and a smile that lead to a hello and a conversation that lasted few hours, which in the end ended up spending half a day together talking about all sorts. He doesn’t live in the same city as me but we keeping in touch now, and there is a high possibility that it will lead to a fantastic relationship, he is a very charismatic handsome man and I know he is mine lol. so enjoy every moment and don’t worry too much about what if this what if that, just follow your intuition and have a laugh and even if it doen’t lead to anything at least you enjoyed the moment, and if that moment was your last moment in life, You Did Enjoy It :-) Love xx

  • This was really helpful for me. Every moment can change the world… thank you… really, thank you Matthew and thanks to your entire crew. Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to make a difference in each moment.

  • Hi Matthew, what a wonderful post and video, i sent it to a few friends and my ex responded that it has really touched him. Also love the cinematic orchestra video at the bottom. It has made me realize how many opportunities go by when one does not take the chance to just say “hello”..

  • Hi Matthew,
    thank you for this post,totally inspiring and touchins..I´m going to watch it every morning..Thanks again,Love

  • Hi Mathew, I just discovered you yesterday from spending countless hours on youtube and you really have inspired me especially the wake up early video. I used to always wake up early and I loved watching the sun come up and watching silly cartoons on tv. I was lead here and I am truly inspired. You have captured my attention and gave me some really deep insight. I must Thank you.

  • Dear Matthew ,
    Thank you for the videos you’ve posted and all the advises you’ve given out on youtube ,you’re such an unbelievably smart person.
    Thank you again .
    cheers from Libya .

  • Matthew,

    Many thanks for this post and video. It really brings about a very positive change of attitude about making the seconds count.

    Life is truly all about moments just waiting to be created.

    You’re awesome…

  • First of all, what a truly beautiful piece of music. Thank you so much for sharing this track.I went straight to iTunes and bought it I love it so much!

    As for ‘the seconds count’, I for once feel like I am about to reach a positive turning point in my life and took a risk before Christmas by handing a guy (who I’d been chatting to on numerous occasions) my number on a piece of paper. I can’t believe I did this, it’s so unlike me – the old me that is haha. i GOT A DATE! It didn’t go any further than that but instead of getting down and frustrated about it not working out, I now feel that i’m starting to get a sense of control and confidence back in my life! Bring it on! ;-)

    So..I just want to say a big thank you for your fresh, down-to-earth and inspiring advice to all us women out there and I’ll be continuing to follow ‘The Man Myth’.
    Warm wishes
    Clare x

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