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This Secret Makes Work Feel Like Paradise

Today I’m coming to you from Bora Bora.

I’ve not taken a holiday in a while, and so thought now that I am, I’d better do it right!

(Sorry the audio is a little choppy in places – that’s what I get for not bringing Jameson along with me!)

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San Diego, August 24-28

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103 Replies to “This Secret Makes Work Feel Like Paradise”

  • Hi Matt ,

    waw , Bora Bora looks amazing , I hope you enjoy your vacation , I guess we all are jealous of you :):):):)

    I like your ideas about self development in general , because it helps us in so many situations , not just love life .

    thanks a lot .

  • Agree, constantly changing means you are running away. You can easily become addicted to change and bring it as solution everytime sth goes wrong. As you said, rather change the way you think about your situation, change the context…this will work ;)

  • Yeah!!!! :) Happy you took some time off to resource yourself, definitely deserved it! I actually really love when you talk about more general principles or ways to change our mindset and attitude regarding our daily life. Love life is one part of the whole life experience and I think it’s very empowering to understand new ways of seeing our life and changing patterns on a deeper lever that will totally change our overall experience :) Love what you say about how this “change your life quick fix” way that can also become a running away and in the end we might just need to readjust our position and and find new ways to enjoy something that we lost interest in. Change of glasses and changing from the inside out how we perceive things seems like a better long term way of satisfaction!! :)

    HAVE FUN Mat, read books, take sunshine, kick back and relax and when you get back share with us your reflexions :)

    Learning is endless… :)

    Send you good vibes

  • Hi Mat,

    Thank you for the great advise!!I really need to think what I can pull of my work, so I will enjoy it much more. At the moment, I find it stressful and demanding.
    Would you be so kind and recommended some books for self-development, please?!:)) I’d appreciate it very much….

  • Matthew – yes, yes, yes, love the videos about improving my life – please continue with these as well as the ones about how to get the guy. They are all connected anyway. It’s about improving myself and living my best life, and the men will follow. In the vein of ‘if you build it, he will come’! Thanks for helping us to build it, our best life.


  • Could you make a video about how to stop worrying about what other people think about you, I mean how REALLY stop worrying about it? It constantly impedes my progress, because I’m afraid that if I go out there and do something with my life I’ll be immediately judged by everyone or I’ll fail and I’ll be feeling like a total loser. I know it’s no way to live your life, but I can’t stop thinking about it. Facebook has completely changed my way of perceiving other people and their accomplishments. Whenever I log into Facebook I end up being depressed and feeling awful about my life because of this constant flow of status updates and pictures depicting what “fabulous” things all of my facebook friends (cause they’re not my real friends, maybe 5 of these people I talk to regularly) do everyday. And I just don’t feel the need to post details about my life on Facebook. I don’t want people to know what I am eating, what I am doing, who I am with, and so on. Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me, since I want to keep my life to myself and not brag about every little thing I do on Facebook. I just feel left out. I don’t know how to move on from this Facebook era and start living my life and stop comparing myself to others. Even my sister posts all kinds of stuff on Facebook and Instagram. For me, there is just no point. It’s a waste of time and it’s freaking shallow. So, my basic question is this: how to stop caring what others might think about me and my life and how to live my life the way I want to? I would really love to hear your advice about this issue. I love the videos in which you talk about life in general and not just dating. Thank you for all of them!

    All the best,


    1. Hi Daria,

      I completely hear you on this one. It would be a much appreciated video.

      Facebook is totally unhelpful in this respect, always seeing the airbrushed versions of other people’s lives. I suspended my account a while back, and I don’t miss it. There are plenty of other ways to keep up with interesting content, and friends are still contactable through other channels. I’d definitely recommend trying it – you can always reactivate it later.

  • Love the message! This is similar to what I hear from many spiritual teachers that say where ever you go and whatever you do, it’s still you there. So changing your mindset is really the only way to find happiness long-term. Thanks for sharing and inspiring :)

  • Matt,
    How thoughtful, beautiful AND cute
    (Loved the music & the little snips of you
    enjoying your Bora Bora Vacay)
    Keep them coming, & see you in June!!

  • Your video makes me think of a comment you made in that one can have all the success in the world but we need to have great human connections, relationships. I have visited paradise and had a greater connection to the tropical fish than my holiday companion, lol!
    Serious study can wipe out all enjoyment of reading and I am now loving reading again, in thanks to your brother Stephen. I find him totally inspirational so thank you for introducing him to us Matthew.
    You obviously work so hard, I hope you really had a chance to relax and rewind in such a beautiful place. You deserve all your successes and you show us how much of a lovely person you are when we see you with your family. The respect you have for your mother is so touching, it is lovely to see.
    Thank you for all your wonderful advice, seemingly given with compassion for some of us who are seriously less enlightened than you.
    Many Thanks,
    Kathryn x

  • Gorgeous Bora Bora!!!
    Yes, this video is so true. I also turned my love for writing and making a low budget short indie into WORK. Which resulted in burnout. Now, I’ve learned it’s about having fun; as my filmmaker and a friend told me all along. I’m writing again because that is one of my passions and will have fun making the movie.

    Same thing began to occur with Karaoke that I recently began. The first time was sheer FUN. Suddenly, I considered taking singing lessons. Then, I realized this initially is all about fun and playing. Not Work/Goals which becomes drudgery.

    So, thank you for your so very insightful and true video.

    Love your weekly videos!

  • Thank you, Gracias Matthews.. I alwys enjoy your comments and you has help me to be a better woman, but I sad i dont have the money to go and see you in person.


  • I enjoy watching your videos, especially this one, Matthew. The changing the context concept of yours is very practical and doable. The excitement in spending that holiday is very much felt in the video. I’m very happy for you. Enjoy Bora-Bora! Thank you for sharing.

  • First of all your videos should always be from that location because it’s gorgeous there. And wouldn’t be a bad deal for you either. I listened to your video in my car on a sad dude setback of a day and was immediately distracted and re-energized for life and possibly love, I drove home and started re-reading your book outside. Thanks your video was super inspirational.

  • Thank you matt, what a beautiful place!
    I admire your life-coaching in general, it’s one of the reasons why I subscribe on your blog. Keep all the kinds of advice coming, whether they’re for relationships or life in general. Actually, improving ourselves as people, will make our love life better (it’s one of the things I learned from you).

    Have a great vacation.

  • So jealous of your location right now.
    Thanks for the great advice! Definitely resonated with me a lot. Especiailly the part about changing the context of situations. SO TRUE.

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