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Wait or Create

I received something in the post today that I’m crazy-excited about.

It’s a bracelet that on one side says “Wait?”… and on the other says “Create”.

–Do I want to WAIT or for what I want, or do I want to go out and CREATE it?

I’ve made these up for people who are coming on my Lifestyle Retreat.

The idea for the wristbands is that they contain a mantra that people can use as a trigger for action.

So often when people say, “I don’t know what to do”, it’s really a euphemism for saying, ‘I’m scared of the thing I SHOULD do’ – as we overcomplicate things.

Remember: Life isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be complex.

It can be as simple as the choice to either ‘Wait’ or ‘Create’.

John Ruskin, an English writer once said that “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of Intelligent Effort.”

Now I’m here to tell that you don’t always start with ‘intelligent effort’. Ruskin was right – quality does always come from intelligent effort – but you don’t always know what ‘intelligent effort’ is in the beginning!

Sometimes it starts with just effort.

I want a constant reminder in place for my Retreat clients that when they’re feeling apathetic, frustrated, indecisive, lazy or scared, that there are only two real options:


It’s that simple.

–Which person do I want to be? Which path am I going to take?

I went through a period in my life recently during which I was ‘waiting’ too much, as I had lost motivation in certain ways.

I had always been driven by fear; fear of not surviving, for not having enough money to support myself or my family, but in recent times, we’ve all been okay. Everyone is taken care of and we have everything we need. And so all of a sudden in realising this, I had lost the initial motivation that drove me.

Ironically, when these wristbands came through, I got excited again. I got excited because I realised my new drivers: quality, creating new solutions, and being creative.

My whole motivation has shifted.

In creating these little wristbands, I’ve given way to a whole new set of emotions.

It doesn’t take big actions to create big emotions. A small act of creation can change your entire world.

When you create in a certain way, you respect yourself more. You stimulate new ways of thinking and you start to get momentum, creating layer upon layer of success.

I don’t have these wristbands for everyone right now, they’re just for people coming on my Retreat, but I want you to find your own way of triggering the message, and to ask yourself…

–Am I going to be a Waiter or a Creator?


Questions of the day: What one thing are you going to do TODAY that will prove to yourself you’re a Creator?

If you’ve read this far I know you’re going to do something. I’d love to hear what it is! Once you’ve set it, let me know in the comments below!

New Retreat date added! Last of the year!

The last two Retreat programmes that I had planned for the end of the year are *completely sold out* (with over 4 months to go!). I’ve had to add in one final date (November 4th–8th), for which you can now apply.

If you’d like to spend 5 days with my team and I working on yourself, getting invigorated with a new sense of drive, and gaining a full sense of clarity on your goals, this could be for you.

Free Guide

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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

84 Replies to “Wait or Create”

  • Matt, you hit the nail on the head with this one. I just received a message which said “Stop fixating on the problem and starting focusing on the solution”. I too had felt I had to get everything and everyone else life straight and it took forever. When I got everything where I thought it should be I realized I had NO life. Love, simple pleasures, and time to myself all took a back seat. It does prove one thing though, we have what it takes to make our dreams come true. Focus with the right intention can create miracles. Thanks. Have a great week.

  • What energy, Matt!

    Your energy and passion shine-out!

    You melt away the complex
    and create simple practical steps…

    I love that and it reaches me right to the core!!

    Thank you, oh yes!!

  • Hi Matt!

    As usual, great video message. I can’t wait to meet you in July. In the vein of wait or create, I’ve been creating opportunities for myself to meet guys and to find a new job. I’ve since received three great viable leads to new positions but none in Paris where I currently live. I have also met a wonderfully amazing French guy who has his life here in Paris. All this creating has created an impossible situation in my life where I may have to choose between the career I’ve always wanted or the amazing love story I’ve always wanted to tell first-hand. Argh! Any tips for helping me stay zen during this crisis of abundance?

    A tres bien tot! Bisous Bisous

  • thank you hero( coz you are). you don’t know how this video made me to get to know who am i and get deep inside to my core. it made me remember that You are today because of yesterday’s decisions and you tomorrow because today’s decisions .

    1. The real hero is not what we see in the movies. the real hero who faces his self and know the disadvantages and advantages that he has. The real hero who did not hide but expresses moments of strengths and weaknesses.And always who try to become not only the best but extends his hands in order to help everyone in life

  • Very inspiring video Matt and so true. I used to be a waiter but now love being a creator. It’s something on work on daily in every aspect of my life.

  • I like the whole concept of wait or create. It seems like I’m always waiting for something. I have done a lot of waiting in my life, but when I transferred to a University in my late 20’s I began creating. My last quarter of college I studied abroad in Italy for 2 1/2 months and continued creating. Then I got back to the U.S, graduated, and began waiting again. When I heard about the show Ready for Love that was going to air, and you came on and mentioned Get the Guy I immediately began watching your You Tube videos. I also did watch Ready for Love when it aired. I decided at 31 nearing 32 I needed to stop waiting, and so I picked up your book. I’m beginning to create again. Thank you Matt!

  • Hey Matt, thanks so much for this video! How true that indecisiveness is actually fear of doing something you know you should do. This was a realization I had recently as well, but you put it very eloquently.

    Have you ever read The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron? This seems related to “creating” as well, maybe you’d enjoy it.

    Have a great day!
    Maren xx

  • Hi, Matt. Thank you for your continuous advice. The concept as whole is creative and amazing, and really simple to understand.

    Thanks for inspiring us! You shine like the star that you are!

  • Loving the wristband Matt – I want one :-)
    It reminds me how far I have come in the last 3 months – I am a lot clearer about what I want in life and I have the courage to go get it! I am responsible for what I do and the choices that I make and I am loving that I feel so empowered by it all now.

  • Hey there Matt!
    I love it! Am I a Waiter or a Creater? Even tho I can’t get hold of one of those wristbands I’m gonna keep that in mind and create my own reminder! hehe Thanks for the idea! =D

    xx /K

  • Hi,your enthusiasm to reach and share your wisdom with people is inspiring ! and what better platform the www !…I am strong but even strong people need a shoulder to lean on at times and say everything is ok !I am my own inspiration,and hope i have and will inspire people in my lifetime…i have periods of wait or create..

  • Hi Matthew,

    it’s difficult to put into words, but the relief and genuine affection I felt towards you when I first received the newsletter-email and then directly read this blogpost, was massive. From what I’ve read, seen and listened to from your blogposts, Manmyth-program, Ready For Love-Show and to your book, this blogpost just convinced me: I just quite simply love you. ^.^ Thank you for being you. And I’m so grateful that precisely you were born into this world. I’m so lucky and grateful to have found you as a mentor.

    Having found you on youtube through my own curiosity (How to attract men…) almost a year ago, and clicking on your video (How has that guy gotten like 500.000 hits?! Maybe he actually has something worth saying?), made me set forth huge changes in my life. I’m 23 years old, and feel like I’ve aged five years and not just one the last year.

    This blogpost was exactly what I needed right now. Because last summer I devoured the ManMyth-theories, and spent the last year putting them into good use. The idea of being a woman who would challenge my own and others thoughts really resonated with me. I’ve never known such rich friendships like those I’ve now build and reinforced. The idea of everyone being extraordinary, but my definition of extraordinary people being limited – so go find them! was something that I took deeply to heart. And boy did I find great people after meeting a LOT of people! It all sounds so great and easy when I write about it now, but it was such hard work. It paid off because I had a clear goal, and I just went after it.

    I could go on and on, but what I really wanted to say, was that I changed so much, that I suddenly at the end of this year (now…) lost my sense of purpose. Long story short: My paradigms shifted, and I started questioning and turning everything. I know that my light depression is the foundation I’m going to rise from later – still it’s a difficult and complex time for me, but necessary. There are many things I enjoy in this life, and I’m generally good at most things. But I don’t have anything yet that I’m passionate about. There’s nothing, of what I’m aware of yet, that truly drives me. It’s going to be a fascinating and daring journey making my own path as I walk it.

    Btw, I wondered if it would be possible to reduce some of the cutting in the clips, since sometimes it’s difficult to let your words sink in before the next sentence starts. Might have something to do with that English is not my mother tongue.

    All my love and best wishes, Ingrid

    1. Ingrid, My Sweet Sister!

      Not to worry at all if you haven’t found your purpose, yet. You are just starting your journey at 23. The beauty of this season is that you are becoming you and your life at this stage is empty and meaningless for you to fill with possibilities and define it with what makes your choose to make your world beautiful with your standards. The fact that you breath, speak, and move makes you whole & complete. Consider defining one aspect of your beautiful life with each morning you are bless with. Leave your past in the past (because it happened in the past). Consider define your future by baby steps, they will turn into daily rituals and then virtues & you will be where you want to be. Every path you choose in your life has a certain destination. I, myself recently learned this an i am re-mapping my life accordingly. Being older, I encourage you to choose wisely :-) Not all paths leads to the same place.

      There is a proverb about youth. The 20s are wasted on the youth & the 30s are the hot new 20 as it is a time when you have wisdom and beauty(oh! And a little bit of money, too). Don’t wait until your 20s are over.

      Begin to create your life now with good habits. Dream out what you want your life to look like It’s what I am working on personally. I learned that having head knowledge & a heart full of good intentions doesn’t take you were you want to be. They that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. However, having courage to take the action that you know brings the result. Never let your life be idle, nor let idols rule/define your heart’s path. Discover what you love, enjoy it, be good at it, let the fun of it brighten your world and attract the right people (and that special person) to partner with you in your life’s beautiful journey. Hugs & love to you, -Dana

  • Hi Matthew,

    I’ll be redrafting my manuscript, start designing a front cover and commence my search for an editor. Unfortunately, I got distracted and lost motivation for one of my writing projects. This isn’t going to happen unless I do something about it.


    Amelia xx

  • Hi Matthew,
    I think you always look great with a simple outfit like with a white T-shirt! Always love watching you on the videos :)
    I’ve been following your internet course as well which is very informative & fantastic. Thank you.

    I’ve got a serious question right now and would like to ask you in person. It might not be really relevant your video today but please please help me if you could!! ;)

    Could you tell me when and how is the best way to tell a guy about the age when a guy seems to be a lot younger than you are? -in case he doesn’t seem not to notice about it but seems to be interested in you.
    Is it better to talk about it soon before the serious relationsip for not to give him a surprise later?

    All the best to you.

  • Dear Matt:

    This is the number one philosophy you teach I ADORE and love the most. It’s the one that I always remember and the one that I go every time I’m feeling scare or incapable of attracting and doing something I think I can’t . I set my personal goal of doing EVERYTHING in my power to attend any of your upcoming retreats next year. I got interviewed and was accepted and as it for right now I’m back in my home country, Venezulea doing all I can do to get the finances going. It’s great to have received this inspirational video because NOW I’m the most motivated to make this and more happen.

    I’m so excited to keep going and finally one day work and meet the whole team and amazing new people at the retreat.

    Keep creating,

  • “wait or create?” – that is a question :) It’s up to us which road we travel.
    You said, “Create,” Matthew? When I wake up in a morning, I feel the same as I water the flower of my life. When I put my desire into action, the flower grows, even though I know I’m not a gardener. Results are not instant but the flower grows. It is then when I see my godlike quality, the quality of a creator!
    It’s so true, when we create something or achieve it, we feel an immense confidence and energy, we feel power! By developing talents and sharing them with people, we also create not only what we have visioned, but what we call happiness. So yes, we ought to chose which road to travel, the road of misery or of happiness. 
    A lovely video, Matthew, thank you! You look so happy always, thank you for that too!!!

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