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Wait or Create

I received something in the post today that I’m crazy-excited about.

It’s a bracelet that on one side says “Wait?”… and on the other says “Create”.

–Do I want to WAIT or for what I want, or do I want to go out and CREATE it?

I’ve made these up for people who are coming on my Lifestyle Retreat.

The idea for the wristbands is that they contain a mantra that people can use as a trigger for action.

So often when people say, “I don’t know what to do”, it’s really a euphemism for saying, ‘I’m scared of the thing I SHOULD do’ – as we overcomplicate things.

Remember: Life isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be complex.

It can be as simple as the choice to either ‘Wait’ or ‘Create’.

John Ruskin, an English writer once said that “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of Intelligent Effort.”

Now I’m here to tell that you don’t always start with ‘intelligent effort’. Ruskin was right – quality does always come from intelligent effort – but you don’t always know what ‘intelligent effort’ is in the beginning!

Sometimes it starts with just effort.

I want a constant reminder in place for my Retreat clients that when they’re feeling apathetic, frustrated, indecisive, lazy or scared, that there are only two real options:


It’s that simple.

–Which person do I want to be? Which path am I going to take?

I went through a period in my life recently during which I was ‘waiting’ too much, as I had lost motivation in certain ways.

I had always been driven by fear; fear of not surviving, for not having enough money to support myself or my family, but in recent times, we’ve all been okay. Everyone is taken care of and we have everything we need. And so all of a sudden in realising this, I had lost the initial motivation that drove me.

Ironically, when these wristbands came through, I got excited again. I got excited because I realised my new drivers: quality, creating new solutions, and being creative.

My whole motivation has shifted.

In creating these little wristbands, I’ve given way to a whole new set of emotions.

It doesn’t take big actions to create big emotions. A small act of creation can change your entire world.

When you create in a certain way, you respect yourself more. You stimulate new ways of thinking and you start to get momentum, creating layer upon layer of success.

I don’t have these wristbands for everyone right now, they’re just for people coming on my Retreat, but I want you to find your own way of triggering the message, and to ask yourself…

–Am I going to be a Waiter or a Creator?


Questions of the day: What one thing are you going to do TODAY that will prove to yourself you’re a Creator?

If you’ve read this far I know you’re going to do something. I’d love to hear what it is! Once you’ve set it, let me know in the comments below!

New Retreat date added! Last of the year!

The last two Retreat programmes that I had planned for the end of the year are *completely sold out* (with over 4 months to go!). I’ve had to add in one final date (November 4th–8th), for which you can now apply.

If you’d like to spend 5 days with my team and I working on yourself, getting invigorated with a new sense of drive, and gaining a full sense of clarity on your goals, this could be for you.

Free Guide

Copy & Paste These
"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

84 Replies to “Wait or Create”

  • WOW! I just got back from a meeting about a business opportunity that could potentially change my life towards what I dream to achieve, but it is a big commitment that I don’t know if I am prepared to take… I was here trying to decide when I checked my inbox and BAMMM I saw your email about this video! A sign??!! I think so!! THANK YOU MATT!! You’re fantastic in what you do, you inspire people everyday, and that is a wonderful thing! I hope I can inspire people one day like you’re doing to me right now!!


  • Hi Matt,
    Thankyou. Your positive energy definately makes me wait in anticipation for every next blog update :) I have made a conscious decision to run 10 intervals a day (a minute each at full speed), to get more oxygen to my brain by expanding and strengthening my lungs. I did it last night, and WHAT INCREDIBLE RESULTS!my brain found solutions to small issues immediately when they came up(after the running). solutions, as you say, are the ‘intelligent workings’.Solutions are the technology of saving 10 years of manual labor that could have been done in one. And that’s what you do all the time, for others. God Bless You, Inspiration Guru!!

  • Thank you, Matt! You are truly an inspiration and I’m so grateful for your shining confidence and input in my life through this blog and your programmes. I’ve got so much creative force within me that has been itching to break free and this video has come at a time when I’m venturing out into creativity for the sheer joy of it, so today – I’m going to paint and orchestrate my future – as I’m at a crossroads of paths right now as to career choices – by following my intuition/ inner voice; believing in and listening to myself.
    Blessings ~*~

  • I love this line. Wait or Create. Since the Retreat last March I’ve been telling myself that, whenever I felt I couldn’t decide what to do. Just do something. Anything.

    It’s funny because at the Retreat I wanted a small reminder of the Retreat, for afterwards. I bought a bracelet ;) and now you come to us with this bracelet which is even better (since mine already broke, I wore it day and night).
    Great idea Matt, I’m sure the attendees would love that bracelet, as I have loved having a reminder aswell. I’m still searching for a new reminder but I will find one soon, I’m sure.
    And even better – even without it, I know to ask myself:
    Do I want to WAIT or CREATE??


  • Thanks Matt,
    I love that you haven’t given up trying to keep us inspired. I went to a night club on the weekend and was feeling very comfortable with the way I looked but I couldn’t go without putting on the bracelet a girlfriend gave me once, which says “Don’t settle for less.” I was thinking about your advice when I did it.

    I think the wrist band is a great idea and when I get to join you on one of your retreats, I would like it in black or peach please ;)

  • I’ve always waited for guys to choose me at parties or meetings, but they never came. I’m going to ‘create’ though I must say I’m nervous. LOL A singles meet up this weekend so let’s see how that goes. YAY! ^_^

  • I gotta say..this one really inspired me! Not only in my romantic life, but in all areas! I have been doing a lot of waiting…and it’s time to be proactive and create! Thanks for sending these videos! I love what you say and the way you say it! <3

  • I’m going to do my charity volunteering today instead of procrastinating, which the material for is just sitting on my bookcase! It won’t be still sitting there later today :-)

  • YEH …. You are so on it … Please please can i have a wrist band …… you are a mover and shaker and always inspire me to get off my ass and onto life … hope you have lots of fun this year … and please keep posting your links .. love and joy …..!!!!

  • Matt,

    Really really enjoying your more recent blogs. While I am not trying to get a guy – I get enough of them chasing me, I wanted to learn and gain more skills on being the best in, in my inner man. These recent videos address the deeper core skills – so powerful.
    btw I am going to the Russell Brand show after watching your video on him being interviewed and how he brilliantly took charge!
    ~ JK

  • I went for my power walk and this pm im going to write to edward from your team regarding my book that i havent received yet ;)

  • Realllllly great video.
    I’ve decided that today, I am going to eat. I’ve ran 13.1 miles today & I wasn’t planning on eating anything but only 1 s’more with my friends tonight
    (& I was only going to eat it so they wouldn’t bother me about not eating because they know I’m struggling but I convinced them that I’m better) but I’m going to eat. & I’m not going to throw it up or purge any time during the day. I can’t thank you enough. You’re remarkable & have truly helped me. Love, Hannah.

  • Hi Matt,

    I like watching your videos they are just great and inspiring. I am not suprising…reading other ladys comments and how they fancy you:),you are just easy going and relax guy with ofcourse good advice…

    Any way Matt thanks for your video and addvice.They are very help full…

    I will be keep watching them… :)

    Thank you,


  • hi Matt
    What a cool little idea, might make my own bracelet/wristband to keep me on track :)
    After a couple of quiet weeks of not meeting any new men, have kicked myself up the bum and ‘created’.I’ve booked a few social things, a meet up where there’s over 120 people looking to make new friends and, scarily, a silent speed date night! And then in a couple of weeks, its your dating weekend, see you there :)

  • Hi Matt,

    Thank you just recently signed up to your blog. You give great advice! Im an english/kiwi female living in London town (SW London) :)

    I love the wait or create mantra, but my only concern is..well I have been doing online dating as in my job (Im a nanny) I dont get to meet guys!? so Ive recently been emailing a few guys (in California actually) as I’d love move out there and work but thats a separate thing altogether.
    I met up with one in Spain which went well, Spent a few days together after emailing/skyping then 6 mths down the lining we are still emailing. He was in the States by this time I in UK. Well basically he stopped emailing so much I emailed him to ask if could chat on skype, nothing. Recently sent him a message to say this isnt working for me. Felt very good about that. So Im not waiting im creating emailing other people Im interested in but if you dont hear back you shouldn’t keep creating (emailing) I reckon.
    Whats your view on this issue? I think that if a guy is interested in you he will find a way of contacting you..

    Also just out of interest how did you manage to get to live/work in USA? being English I know it can be tricky.

    Thank you & you are such a great motivator. I am ready to meet that special someone.

    All the best,
    Sharon x

  • Thank you for this!
    Been having a creative block the entire month of June. Was unmotivated and was losing business. The beginning of the month, beginning of the week, beginning of the second half of the year and I open your blog and find this wonderful inspirational speech. I am pumped now!

    Thank you :)

  • Talking about doing something in a different way I’ve decided to write instead of just watching your videos and reading your posts.
    Matt, it seems I’ve got addicted to your advices and you’re as close to me as a really good pal. Honestly I owe you a big ‘Thank you’ because I’m following your newsletters for almoust two years now and I’d come from a total destruction heart broken woman into a woman that is aware of a fact that her needs counts too.
    I hope one day I’ll be able to thank you personally.

    PS. Please don’t do two-week breaks in your posts because a message from you (full of energy) after a hard day does wonders and makes all the sorrows not so hard to overcome.

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