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You Keep Me Going [Love the Journey: Part 4]

It’s 5am on a cold, wet Toronto morning…

My alarm buzzes in my hotel room and wakes me from my fitful sleep. My throat is sore and my body aches, and it doesn’t feel like the antibiotics are helping at all. I want to just pull the covers over my head and shut out the world until I feel better. But I can’t… I’m in Toronto for my Matthew Hussey Live tour, and I have four media appearances – 2 radio shows, co-hosting a TV show, and a magazine interview – followed by the sold-out 6-hour live event.

“Just getting through it” is not an option. I have to deliver my best no matter what. So what inspires me to push through and give all I’ve got (and more)?

That’s what this episode of “Love the Journey” is all about, so I’m dedicating this one to you…

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49 Replies to “You Keep Me Going [Love the Journey: Part 4]”

  • Fantastic…great job Matt & Jameson, thanks for making me feel so close. Much love for you and hopefully that will make for more immunity for future flu attempts :)

  • Absolutely loved hearing that despite feeling like crap, you draw your motivation to perform from the people. The fact that they arranged their lives to see you, and you never fail to deliver. I hope someday to witness this live myself. Keep up the great and inspiring work!! =)

  • This does not have anything in common with this video’s tema but i would like you to tell… (if you know how) after having many many years of downhills and bad tough times. How can you start to enjoy life again? And how can you get yourself up from sitting in front of the sofa? Where do you get motivation for life? Even you may have tried millions and millions of times by yourself to start doing anything but everything you start just falls apart and you find yourself again sitting in front of the sofa. Plus you don’t find things interesting or fun anymore even how badly you’d like to. If you could answer or make a video or anything would be totally lifesaving!

    I just hope i’d have that same power for living that you have and when you like adventures and so on!

    // i did post that to one of your really old youtube videos but i think you dont watch old videos comments

  • I bought your product but can’t get it! HELP! I need my money back if I can’t get the product. No phone to call!!!!
    Donna Kirkpatrick

  • Dayum that was perfectly you.
    I enjoyed this. Especially the tweets you read to keep you on point. To honour those ladies that have made plans to see you. Love it. Love your style, your focus, your attitude.

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