Well hello there from isolation. Guess what? we made a new podcast for you.

It’s about how to be a more interesting and engaging person in any interaction with someone through 5 quick principles you can instantly apply.

And since most of us are having long-distance conversations with everyone right now, the ability to talk effectively has become utterly essential.

These techniques will show you how to take your talking to another level. And I know they work because I live by them. They are relevant whether you’re in the same room with someone, sending voice notes to a new guy, or connecting with a love interest over the phone as we all social distance. (They also apply to business, so you get two for one in today’s episode.)

Can’t wait to see what you think.

If you want the free training I mention in the episode so that you can have MASSIVE impact in the First 5 Minutes of Any Interaction, click here to download your copy → http://www.First5Guide.com