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Body Language

Body Language To Attract Men – Get A Guy Interested Fast

‘90% of all human communication is non-verbal’ – something I’m sure we’ve all heard 100 times before, yet most of us still fail to take this under any sort of consideration when trying to attract men. So do you really need the right body language to attract men?

Body language can be a simple subject in a lot of ways; shoulders back, stand tall, strong eye contact… Yeah, yeah, yeah…

But let me reiterate: 90% of all human communication is non-verbal.

Just let that really sink in for a moment, and think of how it could be affecting your interactions with guys. Paying attention? Great, let’s get started with the basics of the best body language to attract men…

1) Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

So much of conventional body language advice black and white. “Don’t put your hands in your pockets, you’ll seem nervous.” And the classic, “Don’t cross your arms, you’ll seem standoffish.” Now whilst both of these rules may be true if you live doing them; they’re fine to do every now then in everyday conversation.

Honestly you don’t need to take this stuff too seriously or you’ll end up looking more like a military soldier standing to attention rather than someone who is attractive to men.

Take everything you say hear (including this) with a pinch of salt. No one has perfect body language 100% of the time, and it would be incredibly unnatural to try and do so. But put these tips into practice when out to attract men, and you’ll see a dramatic difference in your progress.

2) Gesture More

You’ll find one fundamental similarity between the most charismatic people you meet, the best presenters on TV and even the greatest orators of all time: they all gesture when they speak. Gesturing is an integral part of communication, and it’s a great way to attract men.

As well as allowing you to elaborate and emphasize a particular point, gesturing makes for easier flirting. If you find it difficult to suddenly break the touch barrier with a guy, it’s because you’ve been trying to reach out and grab him with dormant limbs. Start gesturing when you speak and you’ll find flirting with guys a lot easier.

However, the mistake that this may lead to is gesturing too much. People who gesture too much can seem quite nervous, and it often distracts the person that’s listening from what you’re saying. So it’s important that you find a happy medium

3) Give Him An Opening

In regards to the way you stand with your friends on a night out; give a guy an avenue to approach you. Many women stand in a group like a fortress with their backs to the rest of the room, making it almost impossible for any guy to come over.

Instead you should be standing side by side in more of a V-shape so that you’ve still got each others full attention, but so that a guy can approach you.

Put these tips into practice and you’ll see a difference in the number of guys approaching you immediately!

When it comes to body language to attract men, the more hints and tips you have at your disposal, the faster you’ll find the man of your dreams.

Now you know the basics of the body language to attract guys, it’s crucial you know what to do when you get then approaching you…

This means using proven dating tips that work with almost all men and help to spark the attraction, to the point where he’ll be dying to call you. In my FREE newsletter I show you some of the most cutting edge tips for meeting, attracting and keeping your ideal guy. So sign up today, get instant access and you’ll be reading the first newsletter within minutes.

3 Body Language Tips That Will Make You More Appealing To Men

When a man spots you from across the room the thing that stops him from approaching could be the signals you’re giving off without even knowing.

Men are very visual beings and the way you are positioning and moving your body can make you more appealing to the opposite sex.

So here are three simple tips to ensure that guy makes his way across the room to talk to you!

1. Be more expressive with your gestures

Limited gestures such as holding your arms close to your body and only moving a minimal amount can suggest that you are over self-conscious whereas more open arm gestures and slightly flamboyant actions will give of a more easy going and fun vibe.

For example, try allowing yourself to throw your head back when you laugh; it will show you’re a passionate person who isn’t afraid to let go a little.

Or when you’re telling a story, get really into it by animating your face more and smiling when you recall certain parts of it. We have eighty muscles in our face alone but so few of us use them!

2. Let your body language reflect your thoughts

The way you’re thinking is directly reflected in your body language. For example, when you are worrying about how you look or what to say while in a conversation your body will present more nervous actions such as fiddling with your drink or touching your hair too much.

If you’re in a conversation with a guy your very attracted to try thinking about what it would be like to kiss and touch him and your body language will automatically reflect sensuality that will drive him wild.

Simple gestures like running your fingertips over your shoulders or round your face as you talk will give off appealing signals whether your across the room from the guy you are attracted to or right in front of him.

3. Open your body language up

Any body language that involves crossing your arms in front of yourself, turning your body away from someone or focusing your attention fiddling with an object in reach is going to make him think you’re either uptight or self conscious.

Women who appear closed off often have their arms folded and an ice cold stare that says: “Come near me and I’ll kill you”. This is the quickest way to scare a guy off of approaching you.

Other instances might be appearing to aggressive, such as putting your hand on both hips in a kind of stand-off pose. This look makes a guy feel like your judging him.

Check yourself regularly: Every now and then assess your own body language, because you may be tight and closed off naturally without even realising it.

A few quick adjustments can be the deciding factor in getting more guy’s to start conversations.

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