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the player

The Player: Why Men Long To Be Casanovas And How To Spot If He Is One – Men’s Personalities Part 3

Have you ever dated a player before? Well we say dated but it’s really just a fling as it was doomed from the beginning. But does it always have to be like this? Or can you change a player, stop him from chasing after the next woman and settle with you? Let’s find out:

The Player…

Main Entry: player

Function: noun

Etymology: possibly derived from the phrases “play him for a fool”, or “play him like a violin”. The term was popularized by the hip-hop culture, but was commonly recognized among urban American blacks in the 1970s.

1: A guy who is sustaining supposedly exclusive relationships with multiple girls simultaneously

2: A male who is skilled at manipulating (“playing”) others, and especially at seducing women by pretending to care about them, when in reality they are only interested in sex. [Read more…] about The Player: Why Men Long To Be Casanovas And How To Spot If He Is One – Men’s Personalities Part 3