Learn More About My New Book, Love Life

The Surprising Secret to Leading an Extraordinary Life

Is Facebook killing your confidence?  Making you feel like everyone else has a perfect relationship?  Chances are it is without you even realizing it.  In today’s episode of LOVE Life, I tell you why comparing your life to others’ seemingly perfect existence is a dangerous game…and how you can create an extraordinary life no matter how ordinary your circumstances.  Stay tuned to the end because I’m going to leave you with a brilliant quotation that will remind you why your happiness should never be measured against anyone else.

Burning Question: Do Guys Stalk Your Social Media Profiles?

In today’s episode of LOVE Life I take a great modern-day dating question from a caller named Sarah: Do men spend hours looking through the social media profiles of women they like? You may be surprised by my answer, and why it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I also explain why it’s important to get offline and meet in person, so your real personality can shine through.

Can Men and Women Just Be Friends?

Ok, let’s do this.  Let’s answer this age-old, much-debated question once and for all right now.  But, brace yourself: you may be surprised by what I have to say.  The truth is, I don’t think we’re asking ourselves the right question in the first place.  In today’s LOVE Life, I’m going to tell you what that question should be.  I break down the secret, underlying dynamic between all men and women and explain what it REALLY means to be loyal to your partner.  If you think it means neither of you should be attracted to anyone else outside the relationship, think again…

Are You “Prepared” to Meet Mr. Right?

You want to meet Mr. Right…but what if your own life (e.g. career, finances) isn’t in the perfect place right now?  Should you wait until you get yourself sorted out first before you put yourself “out there?” You may be surprised by my answer.  In fact, I have a challenge for you in today’s episode of LOVE Life that will prepare you to meet the kind of man you’ve always wanted (and have some serious fun in the meantime!).

The Surprising Secret to Leading an Extraordinary Life

Is Facebook killing your confidence? Making you feel like everyone else has a perfect relationship? Chances are it is without you even realizing it. In today’s episode of LOVE Life, I tell you why comparing your life to others’ seemingly perfect existence is a dangerous game…and how you can create an extraordinary life no matter how ordinary your circumstances. Stay tuned to the end because I’m going to leave you with a brilliant quotation that will remind you why your happiness should never be measured against anyone else.

Warning: This is What Happens When You’re “Too Nice”

You may think that bending over backwards to be easygoing, accommodating, and understanding with a man makes you more likeable.  But does it make him respect you?  Not a chance.  If you’re used to giving and giving and giving in relationships and not getting what you need in return, today’s LOVE Life is for you.  I’m going to teach you how to undo years of people-pleasing behavior so you can uphold your standards, which will lead to the respect and love you so deserve.