Learn More About My New Book, Love Life

Transform the Way You Travel

We’ve all done it: Stressed ourselves out before a trip by making epic to-do lists, cramming our suitcase full of the books we think we “should” read while we’re away, and all other manner of sucking the fun out of traveling. Well have I got a TO-DO list for you, and it’s packed with 5 tips to actually make your next trip more enjoyable. Consider this your upgrade to first class relaxation! 

What’s Your Excuse?

Just trust me when I say this: You need to tune in to this episode of LOVE Life. I’m sharing with you an email I received from a woman who has a rather, how shall I put it… unusual obstacle to finding love, specifically in December. When I first read it I thought, well this is insane. But then I realized: This is her excuse. This is the story she tells herself that keeps her from putting herself “out there” and meeting men. So what’s YOUR excuse? We’re going to talk about this obstacle today and I’ll give you a challenge to overcome yours for good.

5 Quick Tips to Be Their Favorite Dinner Guest

Most people don’t realize it, but there’s actually more to being a good dinner guest than remembering to bring a nice bottle of wine. Sure, your hosts want to entertain you, but you’ve also been invited because they find you entertaining. In today’s episode, I’ve got 5 quick tips that will help you to bring your best self to the table (pun intended) and add value to the evening. Warning: May result in massive popularity and an increasingly busy social calendar well beyond the holiday season.

Can You “Have it All?”

Is it really possible to “have it all?” And if so, what does it take to get “it” so we can finally be happy? Everyone – from your best friend to your work colleague to the latest self-help “guru” – seems to have a different opinion on the matter. Well, in today’s LOVE Life, I argue that we’re actually all asking the wrong question. I’ll explain how to identify exactly what you DO want and why happiness (and balance) is a lot easier to achieve than you may think.

The Cutest Way EVER to Get His Attention

It’s kind of ridiculous, when you think about it, just how much time and energy we waste stressing over how to make the perfect first move. What would happen if we just dropped the pretense and showed a little interest, for God’s sake? In today’s episode, I’m taking you back to basics with the simplest – and CUTEST – flirtation that will immediately get a guy’s attention. It’s brilliant because it puts the power in your hands to make the first move, but it’s so irresistible that, suddenly, he’ll be the one chasing you. 

Who Will YOU Be Kissing at Midnight? (+ A Special GIFT!)

If you dream of kissing someone special at midnight this New Year’s Eve, but you don’t have anyone in your life right now, it’s actually not too late. I’ve got a challenge for you… well, it’s going to require you to get out of your PJs and away from that cozy fireplace but I promise you it’s worth it because… it’s going to get you meeting all kinds of exciting new men. Who knows, one of them might just be Mr. Right of 2017! To help you make this happen, I’ve got a special free gift just for you, but you’ve got to listen all the way to the end to find out how to get it…