Learn More About My New Book, Love Life

Avoid the Confidence Catch-22

What creates confidence? Many people will tell you that it’s attractiveness. But how can you ever feel good about yourself until you get the validation from others that you look good in the first place? It’s a trap, you see… and the only way to close that gap is to realize that there is another, entirely different way to get your validation and create feelings of confidence. I’ll give you that secret recipe today and give you an everyday-life illustration that will make you understand exactly why it’s confidence itself that makes you attractive in the first place!

Getting Set Up: A Survival Guide

On your journey to finding your Mr. Right, you may find yourself getting set up on a date. Whether it’s a cultural thing, or thanks to the (relentless) suggestion of well-meaning friends or family members, suddenly you find yourself sitting face-to-face with a virtual stranger who knows things about you that you’ve never told him. In today’s episode of LOVE Life, I give you some creative ways to break the ice, address the awkwardness, and create a real-life connection of your very own choosing!

The (Low-Pressure) Friday Night First Date

Let’s face it – we all work too hard to risk wasting an entire, precious Friday night with someone we just met if the date doesn’t go well.  Allow me to propose the low-pressure, high-value first date: My formula allows you to spend some fun, flirty time with that new guy you’re interested in and you’ll still get to meet up with your girlfriends for a proper night out. You’ll leave on a high note, which is guaranteed to leave him wanting more, and before you know it he’ll be calling (not texting!) for a second date.

My (Slightly Embarrassing) Trick to Get Stuff Done

If you’re anything like me, the higher the expectations you set for yourself for what you want to accomplish in a day, the more overwhelmed you get. And the more overwhelmed you get, the less stuff you actually get done. So I’m going to get you in on my (slightly embarrassing) productivity trick that – when you put it into practice – guarantees you’ll actually achieve your goal by the end of the day. And no one has to know how you got there but you and me!

How to Be a Winner (NOT a Victim)

Why do bad things always happen to me? If you find yourself thinking that way, it’s time to STOP. We all face problems and setbacks in life, and having a victim mentality is only going to hold you back from having the happiness you deserve. In today’s episode, I give you the two essential questions you need to ask yourself when something goes wrong so you can learn from it, move forward, and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Take Advantage of Other People’s Time

We all need other people to help us achieve our goals in life. But the more successful our adviser, the more likely he or she is to be insanely busy! So how can we get on their radar… and even more challenging, their calendar? I’ve got a sneaky tip for you that may be just a tiny bit unfair but, hey – you gotta do what you gotta do to get ahead! Plus, it will make your mentor feel like they’ve done something good with their day too. In the end, it’s a win-win for everyone.