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The Attraction Formula

Attraction is something that can be learned; it’s not something set in stone.

There’s a myth that we’re either attractive or we’re not – or that someone can either be attracted to us or not.

In reality, I’ve found that life’s not so simple. It’s not that black and white.

Have you ever become attracted to someone who wasn’t your type?

That’s because attraction has a formula. There’s a science to it, which is what I want to go through with you today. I want you to come to believe that attraction is possible to influence.

You can have someone who is constantly attractive in one environment, and you can put them in another environment and they’re not.

Have you ever gone out and felt that you were getting so much attention one night, but the next you didn’t get any?

This didn’t happen because you looked so different on each of the two nights. There are things you can do to change and improve your appearance of course, but there are other factors at play.

(Photo: Eriwst)

Here is the formula you need to know for creating deep and lasting attraction…

1) Visual Chemistry

People think this is just about how you look, and it’s not true. It’s about how you’re perceived.

It’s about how you walk, talk, move, what your body language conveys – and there’s a lot we can do in each of these to influence how attractive we are perceived to be.

2) Perceived Challenge

This is what people are really talking about when they talk about the idea of ‘playing hard to get’.

Men want to feel that they are earning you every step of the way. They want to feel that you’re attainable, but there are steps they have to go through to earn your attraction.

3) Perceived Value

Perceived value is what you have about you that is really worth something. This might be to do with personality traits that you have, the lifestyle you have – something that makes a guy think to himself, ‘this woman has value to add to my life’.

4) Connection

Connection is when the two of you truly feel like you relate. This comes mostly from understanding.

–’Do I feel understood by this person? And do I understand them?’
–’Do our beliefs, ideas and ways of thinking relate?’

This is what creates connection. And notice that you can have all of the first three components without any connection. That’s why connection is such a vital piece in the formula.


What did you think!? Intrigued by this idea?

The book is where I’ve really attempted to give a lot of detail on this, and where I’ve been able to talk about this at length. If you’re interested in learning more about this, the book is your chance to do so.

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78 Replies to “The Attraction Formula”

  • Hi Matt.
    I’m having a bit of trouble getting in sync with this guy that I’m really into.
    We have been “friendly-acquaintance” type friends for a few years, and have been mingling in the same circle a lot more recently.
    We have always had great chemistry, and I’ve always loved being in his company because we got along great.
    But since I’ve realized that I have major feelings for him now, we have no chemistry at all! I know that things have changed because my feelings have changed, but I don’t know what to do about it. And I have no idea what he thinks, but it’s obvious that we don’t get on like a house on fire anymore.
    I’m pretty inexperienced when it comes to men and dating, I’m 20 and I’ve never been in a relationship! Maybe that’s factoring into this equation.
    What should I do?
    By the way, thanks so much for everything you’ve done for me and my friends, you’re the best xx

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